January 11, 2021, 6:28pm
If you search for notifications here you’ll find a number of discussions. Basically one trumps the last. There are ways to code around this with webCore, for example.
I am not understanding what you need guide-wise so post back if this isn’t what you’re looking for.
The child object is no different than any other switch. Start with the webCore app in ST and make sure that the Switch (Notification x) is selected so webCore can “see” it.
Then in webCore, just turn it on or off like any other switch.
Having some issues with notifications not staying persistent and wondering if anyone can help.
Just to make it easier to understand, I have notification lights on my dimmers for the following:
Red = Leak Sensors
Green = Front Door Open
Orange = Garage Door(s) Open
Purple = Dehumidifier On
Steps to reproduce:
I turn on my dehumidifier so the purple notification comes on, then if a door is opened downstairs it changes to a green notification light till the door is closed. After the door is …