Out of Stock Item Thread w/ETA's

Correct, a real date! It’s just pushed back so far due to shortages on chips and certain parts for the dimmer unfortunately. I’ve said this in a few threads, but once we figure out the disconnection issue we will have 50 units left to sell that we held back until that is figured out. So if you are interested I can add you to the list once we have the issue resolved!

Just wanted to post that I’m about to put up 20 refurbs of each SKU if you want to grab them while they are hot! First come first serve.

We’re going to keep the price of the black series the same as the sale price since that was already lower than what we would have sold the refurbs for.

@mamber I know you wanted some!

edit to say this is only for the 4 main switch SKU’s! Refurbs of fan/light and sensors to come at another time!


I would love to be on the list for fan/light switches. I’m new to Inovelli, but I’m outfitting my whole house, and I need 8.

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I’d also love to be on the list for the fan/light switch (I just need one!) I’m replacing a chandelier with a fan, and it would be nice for my existing LZW36 to have a buddy in the house. :slight_smile:


Sounds good - I’ve got everyone added!

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@Courtney_Inovelli I’d love to be added to your list for the fan/light switches too! I’m on the market for 4 units. Thanks!

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Are we still on track for 8/20 for red series switches?

Getting excited! :rotating_light: :partying_face:

Any idea when you will take pre-orders for the RGBW Bulbs - LZW42? Are they still expected in at the end of this month, i.e. 8/31/21?

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I’ve got my preorder in and 8/23 is my birthday. Just sayin’.

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@Courtney_Inovelli I was on business travel this week and not paying attention… I would definitely love to be on that list of it isn’t too late! For one of these, a refurbished one, whatever! Anyway… How do I get on that list if still available??

But also…“the disconnection issue”… Is it confirmed that this is a widespread issue? I’ve definitely had sporadic issues with the one I have. Once I figured out where the air gap switch was, it’s reconnecting at least. Probably like four times disconnected from the canopy in over a year, so not awful but annoying. If you’re looking for people to test firmware fixes let t know! Issue isn’t frequent enough to provide a great answer but you could probably get decent statistics with enough people like mine.

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Personal experience here…I have 2 that have been in service since start of the year and I haven’t had any issues with them. I do have 2 others that I need to set up, but I’ve been procrastinating so tbd, but no issues so far.

2 of mine on 1.31 are working perfectly, they are in rooms with near proximety (10’ or so) and really have been FANTASTIC.

1 is in my living room and is ~15’ to a ceiling fan hanging from the 18’ ceiling. It has been on and off reliability-wise, some days it is perfect and others (like yesterday) took me over a minute of poking around with different LOCAL button pushes/holds to get it to connect, but then once it did it worked great for the 2-3 minutes I continued messing around with it both local and over z-wave.

So yes, it’s still not great on that one, but they are at least testing to see what’s up! I hope they find something soon.

They are on track to finish production by 8/20! Will not be in the United States by 8/20 though.

I think they are finishing up this week and then hopefully shipping out next week. Fingers crossed they can get through customs and to our office before Labor Day weekend!

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That one is up to @Eric_Inovelli! They are still on track to be sent from China to US by end of month - will likely not ship til after Labor Day is my guess.

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I would say it is fairly widespread. We had a lot of issues when we initially released it in June 2020. We thought we had it solved as no one had any issues for about 6 months, and then all of the sudden in April/May of this year we started getting hundreds of tickets per week as well as people writing into the forum about the disconnection issue. We felt it was large enough to stop selling them and try to have our manufacturer work on the issue. People were getting 2-3 replacement units that were having the exact same issues and it became pointless to hand out replacements because it was costing us so much money in shipping and free product.

I will have to talk to Eric about this, but we may just end up putting the remaining units we have back up for sale since our manufacturer is saying they cannot replicate the issue, even with units we knew were defective. We will have to try and solve it before the new units come out end of the year/early January.

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Quick update @skarden – Courtney and I just talked to the PM at the manufacturer to see when these would officially be done and ready and he mentioned they would be available mid-September. Apparently they ran into an issue with the jig they use to flash firmware onto the bulb and it needs to be repaired.

He said mid-September was a conservative estimate, so possibly it will arrive sooner, but you never know. We will open up pre-orders by the end of the week and @Brianna_Inovelli will make the announcement when we do (we need to fix a few things on the product page).


Add me too!

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Hrmm… Any insights if the people that are bothered enough to complain and twist ya replacement are 1) actually experiencing the issue much more frequently or 2) just not tech savvy enough to follow the procedure to reconnect it…?

As I’ve said in the forums… Yea it’s annoying. But it’s probably been 4 times total since I installed the switch nearly 2 years ago. So… Still annoying… But nowhere near the level of annoying enough to reinstall a new one!

I do wonder . When you were posting about that product during development you said they were building off an existing product for the canopy module I think? Seems probable that came from one of those wireless fan remotes you buy at home Depot for $30? Kinda seems like that was always destined to be the weak link.

Either way . Not annoying enough to not want another as soon as you want to sell them!

RGBW Bulb Pre-Orders are up! You can order yours HERE


Heck YES!

Pre-ordered 10 just now! THX

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