Out of Stock Item Thread w/ETA's

@Courtney_Inovelli can you add me to the list for LZW-36?

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@Courtney_Inovelli same here can you add me to the list for LZW-36. Just need two more to complete the house (one plus spare)

This hole in my wall is in need of one of those lzw-36 fan/lights! I think Iā€™m on the list already, but just in case @Courtney_Inovelli wants to release a holdback to a tech savvy consumer who promises not to send it back if it disconnects a couple times a year and promises to provide troubleshooting info on exactly when this and the other one in the house disconnect :slight_smile:

An aside: Yesā€¦I know thereā€™s only one wire. Fixture is on a different circuit. I gave up on the 100 year old wire and hot wired the old switch position rather than let the old insulation deteriorate to the point I had to gut the wall to rewire the fixture. This is a new run just for the switch. Anyone with a new house is in absolute horror right now reading that. Anyone with an old house totally knows what Iā€™m talking about :-).

OK - going to try and go through and tag everyone who said they want an LZW36! Since our manufacturer isnā€™t any closer to figuring anything out, we might as well get them off our hands!

FULL DISCLOSURE- you may still experience the disconnection issue with any of these units since the issue has not been resolved. However, if you still want to purchase one we have 65 units up for grabs!

@pbennett @burtonmadness @bradwest414 @okaytodd @neetorama @pickscrape @bamapookie @dan1


Got it, thanks @Courtney_Inovelli!

Understand the riskā€¦ Thx

Ok with the disconnection issue, and more than happy to provide any data that could help resolve it.

One question about the disconnection issue: do they still function normally (as switches) when the disconnection issue is occurring?

Thanks, @Courtney_Inovelli

Is there a post with more info on the disconnect issue? See if it is something I can live with.

Here you go!

Thanks @Courtney_Inovelli ! Ordered.

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Whoaā€¦ Not going to say I take full credit for being the nagging PITA who did thisā€¦ But bamā€¦hahaā€¦

Thank you! I got mine on order along with a 4-in1 sensor (been meaning to get one to play with, and what can I sayā€¦ Damn you people your free shipping trick works!).

I debated getting twoā€¦ But itā€™ll just depress me when theyā€™re available again in January and the second one is still unopened because I havenā€™t gotten to the next room yetā€¦ Itā€™s a slow Renoā€¦ somehow still married. Anywayā€¦ Will wait until Iā€™m a little closer to actually needing another to order itā€¦


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I had similar thinking. I have 2 rooms that can use one. I really want 1 for my bedroom. The free shipping and the possibility of not getting another for a long timeā€¦

Cant wait!

Darn, Iā€™ve been waiting for one. Gone already?!?

Did you already sell these? I never saw them back in stock!!?!

:frowning: Yes they all sold within about 4 hours. I can keep everyone updated on returns/refurbs when we get them!

@Courtney_Inovelli Iā€™m new here, but you can add me to the list of people looking for the fan/light switch. Iā€™m in the market for 4.

Sure! I will post here again and try to tag specific people for refurb/return opportunities to buy a few!

@Courtney_Inovelli mind adding one more tag for me on the fan/light switches list please?

@Courtney_Inovelli Considering they are not returning, it would make sense to move the black dimmer and switch to the bottom of the products page. Also, remove the price and mark as N/A or legacy or something like that?


@Courtney_Inovelli please put me on the list for refurbished fan switches. Iā€™m interested in 2. Thanks!