I can make an automation in Home Assistant to change the color of the LED indicator. But is it possible to change the LED intensity? I know I can do this by physically tapping out a sequence on the switch.
I want to set the intensity to zero at night in my bedroom to reduce ambient light when I’m sleeping.
If this is not possible, I think it would be awesome if Inovelli added a new color to the color selector for Off so that this sort of thing is possible after a future firmware update. I’d imagine I’m not the only person who would like to do this.
Depends on which mode you want to adjust.
The LED operates in two modes (1) To indicate the dimmer level, and (2) As an “Alert” or notification bar.
In Mode #1, there is currently no easy way to change the brightness from Home Assistant.
In Mode #2, the RGB bar is controlled as if it is a RGB bulb. In that mode, you can adjust color and brightness.
As further info, the switch does include a “Custom Cluster” and I believe one of the attributes of that cluster can be used to adjust the brightness in Mode #1, however, to do this would first require that the Home Assistant Python Matter Server be updated to recognize the custom cluster, and then a control added. So, its possible to add this to Home Assistant, but not trivial.
I’m definitely talking about Mode #1. Too bad that brightness isn’t exposed as a settable attribute.
I’ve poked around in the matter UI that exposes all the endpoints / clusters / attributes but haven’t been able to find anything for Brightness. Do you know if all of this stuff is documented anywhere? Or where the brightness attribute might be?
For anyone from Inovelli reading this, it would be amazing if you could expose brightness (or create a new color for “off”) in a future firmware update!
You won’t find what you are looking for as a “standard” matter attribute. Some more details. . .
Endpoint 1 is the endpoint for controlling the dimmable load. It includes clusters such as On/Off and Level Control. The Level Control cluster is to control the load’s brightness. I think what you are looking for would be some kind of an additional “adjustable indicator” cluster to adjust the devices LEDs. There is no such thing in Matter (nor is there one standardized in Zigbee). For Mode 2 operation of the LED, Inovelli added an additional Enhanced Color Light endpoint as endpoint 6, allowing you to control the LEDs directly when the endpoint 6 is turned on (that’s why you see a second light control in Home Assistant with the label “Light (6)”. When Light (6) is turned on, it overrides the default use of the LED bar as a dimming level indicator.
However, Endpoint 1 also includes the custom cluster ( shown as “0x00122FFC31” in the Home Assistant Matter Server). That custom cluster has a number of attributes for customizing the switch. I think one of them controls the brightness that you want to adjust, but I’m not certain which one.
I have a request in to Inovelli to get this Custom Cluster documented so that maybe some of the exposed features could be added to HomeAssistant, but I haven’t heard back yet.
I certainly agree that documentation of this custom cluster should happen. But for now, maybe I can go manually adjust the brightness with the tap sequence and see which one of these custom attributes changes value. That should at least point me in the right direction.