Thread / Matter On/Off Switch | Project Vernacular

Project Team
Feel free to tag any of us with questions. I’ll (Eric H) be the go-to’s for overall project management, timeline and anything other than firmware related questions, whereas Eric M is the go-to for any firmware related questions. Either way, we’re all here to help!

As per our tradition of working with you amazing people, here’s what this thread allows us to do as a community.

  1. Allows us to keep everyone updated on the project status (either good or bad)
  2. Allows you to participate and help us develop amazing products together
  3. Enjoy each other’s company and have fun talking home automation

How this initial post will be laid out is in five sections:

  1. Project Overview
  2. Initial Hardware & Software Requirements (edited to remain up-to-date)
  3. Timeline (edited to remain up-to-date)
  4. Pinned Ideas & Shout-outs (edited to remain up-to-date)
  5. Weekly Recap


  • DATES & FUNCTIONS ARE NOT SET IN STONE: Just a reminder that all dates and functions are sometimes fluid. We have to make choices based on feasibility, opportunity costs, and overall timeline. I will be as transparent as possible on these decisions, but just a heads up, they may not always be exciting.
  • NO IDEA IS A BAD IDEA: Ok, some are, but honestly throw out anything that you can think of. If we use your idea, we’ll credit you and send you a free device, so take that shot!
  • VERSION 1 VS VERSION 2: Some ideas may be fantastic, but may not make the cut for the first version of the product. Once the product is locked in from a function standpoint, we’ll keep a tally of V2 ideas and then once the product is produced, we’ll move the ideas over to a suggestions/wishlist section.

Ok, let’s get this party started!

Project Overview
The purpose of this project is to provide a dedicated on/off switch for Apple Home, Google Home, Amazon Echo, and other platforms a taste of Inovelli.

As many are aware, the 2-1 Switches are only rated for lighting and there has been a lot of back and forth on the name of that switch since it’s labeled as an On/Off switch, but it’s not truly an on off switch in the sense that it can’t turn on/off everything. This project aims to solve the gap that was created and hopefully give me some peace of mind!

Project Name - Vernacular

The name vernacular came from the fact that there has been a lot of pushback on my name choice for the 2-1 Switch and is meant to be more of a white flag waiving on my part to say, “I’m sorry about the 2-1 not being a true On/Off, please accept my apology and use this switch for anything that won’t turn off”. There are a few threads out there where we’ve battled back and forth over the vernacular used and this project name is a play on those threads!

I hope everyone knows that I’m joking with this title and from the bottom of my heart, I agreed with you all who pushed back, but my marketing background and hardheadedness has kept me from changing the name. After this switch is launched, maybe I can revisit it :wink:

Vernacular - Hardware Requirements
The hardware for the on/off switch can be found below.


Hardware - Switch (Look / Feel)

  • Responsive Paddle - rests in a neutral state (tap up = on // tap down = off
  • Configuration / Favorites Button - button should be used for configuration of the switch as well as scene control.
    • Should be able to be held (for configuration)
    • Should be able to be tapped (for scene control)
  • RGB LED Bar - should measure the % of how much the switch is dimmed
    • LEDs should be RGB (artificial white included)
    • LEDs should also be able to be dimmed
  • Humidity/Temp Sensor - there should be a humidity/temp sensor built in
  • Paddle & Faceplate Color - color should match Lutron Claro wall-plate white
  • Slim Design - depth of switch should be as slim as possible so that it can fit into metal boxes.
  • Air Gap
  • No heat-sink tabs

Hardware - Features & Capabilities

The look and feel will be identical to our current switches.

  • On/Off – switch should be able to completely shut off the load it’s attached to
  • Thread – use the latest MG24 Chipset
  • 3-Way / 4-Way Ready – switch should auto-detect
    • Should work with an auxiliary switch
    • Should work with an existing dumb switch
    • Should work with another smart switch
  • Power Monitoring - switch should measure the power consumption*
  • Instant On - when tapped 1x (and scenes aren’t used), switch should turn the load on instantly (no delay)
  • CFL & LED Compatibility - minimum buzz and flickering
  • 1500W General Purpose Load
  • LED/CFL - 300W max load
  • 120V/277V Compatibility – have the switch be compatible with both 120V and 277V (Optional, but preferred for commercial use)
  • 16A Relay – the relay should be able to handle 15A with an extra for overload protection
  • Inductive Load compatible – the switch should be able to control an inductive load (On/Off only, no speed control)
  • Overload protection – switch should have overload protection in case of a power surge

Vernacular - Software Requirements

  • Thread Scene Control – Multi-taps to activate various scenes
  • RGBW Bar Config - bars should be able to change colors and dimmed to the customer’s favorite level
  • Auto Timer - switch should have a timer that shuts the switch off after a certain amount of time
  • Easy Config - switch endpoints should be able to be configured via the associated rockers.
    • There should be infinite customization via parameters in the firmware, but also set customizations for HUB’s that do not allow parameter changes (ie: Wink)
  • Internal Relay Disable - internal relay should be able to be disabled locally and via Zigbee
  • OTA Ready - ability to update firmware via OTA
  • Smart Bulb Mode
  • Smart Dimmer Capabilities - if used in Smart Bulb Mode, it should have dimming capabilities

Ah, everyone’s favorite part. When is this flippin thing going to be released? Great question – here’s the high-level of what happens leading up to the first release of the timeline:

  1. We present a PRD (Project Request Document) that has all of the above info in it (see above section for the pdf)
  2. R&D (manufacturer) analyzes the PRD and we go back and forth until we can align on 90% of the product
  3. Initial Timeline is released and remaining 10% of product features are added/cut along the way

Again, just want to throw this out there – I don’t have a crystal ball so I can’t predict things that come up along the way. Trust me when I say we’re trying our best to get things launched on time.

Pre-Initial Timeline Milestones:

  • Present PRD: Completed
  • R&D Analyzation: Completed
  • Initial Timeline Released: In-Progress

Timeline (Estimated)

The initial timeline will be shown below once released and will be updated monthly.

  1. Structure & Hardware Design
    Details: ID/Structure Design, PCB Layout & PCBA Making, Hardware Sample, Structure Tooling
    Est Completion Date: April 25, 2024
    Status: IN PROGRESS

  2. Software Development
    Est Completion Date: December 2024
    Status: IN PROGRESS

  3. Beta Testing
    Est Completion Date: December 2024
    Status: NOT STARTED

  4. Marketing Material
    Details: Manual Creation, Box Design, Insert
    Est Completion Date: August 30, 2024
    Status: IN PROGRESS

  5. Certifications
    Details: Thread, Matter, FCC/IC, ETL
    Est Completion Date: October 20, 2024
    Status: NOT STARTED

  6. Mass Production
    Details: Materials Purchasing & Trial Run on Production Line
    Est Completion Date: March 2025
    Status: NOT STARTED

Pinned Ideas & Shout-Outs
Here are the ideas from the community. We sincerely appreciate them, we love them, and we couldn’t create the products we do without them. So, thank you for your input and let’s continue to innovate together and change the home automation category for the better (NOTE: if an idea is crossed out, it’s not because it wasn’t valid, nor was it something we didn’t consider – we’ve discussed it internally or with the manufacturer and unfortunately it was not feasible).



@grooves12 – add smart fan mode for DC Fans (control 3/4/5/6 fan speed for smart fans)

Monthly Recap
Every month I’ll provide a recap as well as edit the sections above so we can all keep track. If you have any specific questions you’d like me to ask, feel free to tag me and let me know so I can ask the manufacturer as well.

February 2nd, 2024: I’ve presented the PRD (Project Request Document) to the manufacturer and they have finished analyzing it – they are working on pricing and will send it to me before Chinese New Year starts (02/18/24)

February 21, 2024: We’ve sent a PO off to the manufacturer and have officially kicked off this project! Timeline to come shortly.

April 18, 2024: Update posted here: Thread / Matter On/Off Switch | Project Vernacular - #14 by Eric_Inovelli

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Loving the idea of the humidity sensor on this one. Will definitely be useful in the bathroom for the exhaust fan.

As far as the temperature sensor goes do you think it’ll actually be an accurate reading? I know I have a 2 in 1 that seems to actually get a bit hot from time to time. I would imagine that could play a role in that.

Also willing to beta test this one - Figured I’d jump on asking as soon as I could

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Would this come out a little cheaper than 2-1?

I’m using 100% smart bulbs, so none of the dimmer hardware is useful in any of your existing switches. This could be the main switch for me and others using Hue and such.

I’m new to the community (and don’t have any switches yet - waiting on the mmWave blue and 2-1 white). How is this switch different than the 2-1s?

It uses a relay for on/off control as opposed to running all of the current through the dimming circuitry. This will allow it to be used for inductive loads.


I assume this will supersede the fan switch for exhaust fan applications. It should also be the go-to for controller only applications, since it should be lower cost.

Will there be a Z-wave version of this?

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I think it would be fair to expect one. Based on how Inovelli has handled other new products over the past couple of years, they lead wirh Zigbee, gauge interest and then follow with Thread and Z-Wave. I couldn’t begin to guess on a timeline for Z-Wave though.

Of course, I don’t work for Inovelli, so this isn’t an official answer. That can only come from @Eric_Inovelli.

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I sure hope so! Definitely something we’ll test out.

Likely around the same price, possibly a couple dollars cheaper. While we saved money by not including the MOSFET, we added the temp/humidity sensor so the price to us was very close to the price of the 2-1. We also added in the MG24 chipset, whereas the current 2-1 has the MG21.

Yeah I plan on renaming the 2-1 to Dimmer Switch and then remove the Exhaust fan portion from the Fan Switch. This switch will definitely be less expensive then the Fan switch :smiling_face:

Potentially - I know I’ve stated the strategy is to lead with the Blue Series and then launch the Red Series, but unfortunately, the Red Series continues to decline in sales which makes it harder to justify the R&D costs.

To put it in perspective, the Blue Series 2-1 outsells the Red Series 2-1 by 4x and even the new White Series is outselling the Red Series 2-1 (and it’s still in pre-order).

I’m in a rock and a hard place honestly bc I want the Red Series to succeed, but sales need to pick up.


Can this switch be safely used to control a receptacle?

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Yes, this will be rated to handle a receptacle :slight_smile:

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Small caveat, it will handle a 15A receptacle. You can’t put it in front of a 20A (or higher) receptacle.


I see all the dates are still TBD, but would we expect to see this switch in 2024?

It kinda seems like the holy grail in terms of filling a functionality niche that nothing else fills.

Project Update: The manufacturer has been working on the structure and should have it completed next week. It shares a lot of the same design as our current switches, but we’ve added in a temp/humidity sensor which required a little tweaking.

We have a ways to go due to the backlog of projects, so we won’t be able to start beta testing until July, but it’s great to see them working on the hardware.

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Hey great question – I just got the official timeline for it and they’re targeting a September 20th completion date (as in production is finished) November 5 (my bad, I was looking at the Zigbee completion date), so I would put a medium/high confidence level of this being completed in 2024.

I hate to say it bc I feel like I’m going to jinx something, but this switch shouldn’t be too difficult since it shares a lot of similarities from a hardware standpoint (we just removed the MOSFET and added in a temp/humidity sensor) and the firmware is basically the same as our 2-1/Dimmer switch so a lot of the code should be the same.

The only reason it’s taking so long is because they have a backlog of projects with us.


If y’all need more beta testers, I’d volunteer. :grin:

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replying to Erics statement around zwave sales compared to zig and thread

this is what has me in a bind. I’ve been zWave for 10 years now with great success, sad to see it selling this low, any market indicators as to why? Building my new house and figured I would look at alternatives. I just can’t see Zigbee being my choice… and Matter/Thread is so new I am worried with that too…
I did pre-order 30 Matter/Thread 2-1 switches (praying this actually works out)…

I feel like all the things I have today and will have in the new house I am going to have to keep zWave / Zigbee around…

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Are there plans to open pre-orders for these like was done for the 2-in-1 switches?

8 posts were split to a new topic: Z-wave vs Zigbee Inovelli Sales and Production

To pile on to this I’m not super fond of having additional 2.4Ghz devices which is why I’d prefer to add more Zwave where possible.