Unable to factory reset LZW31-SN? Device not responding


I have an LWZ31-SN that I seem to have gotten stuck in a very strange state. I aborted mid way during an inclusion process, and since then I haven’t been able to get it to respond to much, other than the clicking the config button 3 times to start the inclusion process.

The paddle no longer turns on or off the light and holding the config button down for 15s doesnt light up any LEDs. I have tried rebooting the switch (both via the airgap switch and by cycling the power to the switch), but it makes no difference.

When I try the Inclusion, logs on my hub say that “[Node 022] is unknown - discarding received command…”. Which is sensible since I do not have a Node 022 in my mesh (the initial inclusion never worked).

If I press and hold the Config button 15s to get into the configuration options, nothing happens.

If I hold down the config + paddle up button for 20+s the switch does nothing either (it doesn’t flash, etc).

When the switch boots up it cycles through the different LED colors.

I have it wired with a neutral wire.

I am not sure what I can do at this point to reset the switch. It seems to be in a “stuck” state.

How else can I force a reset of the switch? Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations of what I can do?



LZW31-SN, right? That’s a Gen 2.

I’d try a factory reset. That’s a long press on the Config button (only), about 45 seconds, until it turns red.

You may also need to do a general exclusion of the switch via your hub.

Thanks @Bry Its a Red Series dinner. I tried holding it for >60s but to no avail. According to what I read on the site it says pressing the up paddle + config button would do a factory reset but that didn’t work either.

The led bar flashes red green blue when powered on, but after that the LED just turned pale blue and stays like that.

I’ve also tried exclusion but the controller ignores it since it isn’t even part of the network.

Any other ideas to reset this device?



So the Gen 2 dimmers factory reset with a long press of the config only. Don’t press the up paddle. That’s for the Gen 3’s.

The LZW31-SN will not factory reset if Local Control is disabled. Not sure if your switch is in that condition, but let’s make sure Local Control is enabled. You can toggle that setting with 8x of the config. When you do that, the LED will flash either red or green. If it flashes red, you just disabled local control. Do it again and so the result is a green flash. If it flashes green, that means your local control was disabled.

After you re-enable local control, try the factory reset again. Long press config (only), about 40 seconds, until it turns red.

@Bry I ended up pulling the switch and mounting it on my workbench.

Finally managed to get the switch reset. Not sure what was so problematic. I pressed the config button 8 times and saw that if flashed green. I then held down the config button for 30-40s until it cycled through solid yellow led and then solid red led.

Still not sure why I wasn’t able to do this while it was still in the wall, but at least it is operational again.

Thank you!


Glad you got it going. If you pressed config 8x and it flashed green, then the switch had been in the local control disabled mode. When local control is disabled on the LZW31-SN, you cannot factory reset it.

Pressing configure 8x re-enabled local control which allowed you to factory reset it.

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That makes total sense. I cannot believe that I was so dense about it.

Thanks again!


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