White Series Dimmer (VTM31-SN) - Bug/Enhancement Thread

I had a few Inovelli devices that were not reconnecting this morning after I did a HA reboot. I switched to the “beta” version of the HA Matter Server, and suddenly everything worked. Maybe HA fixed something in their Matter Server. I’d expect that to roll out within the week (Version 6.5.0 of their matter server), or you could try the beta matter server.


good info in this thread on the HA and thread/matter issues. I’ve got 30 that I will be installing in a new build in about 3 months. It does seem like it’s more HA’s Thread/Matter issues, but some of the issues like poor signal at the switch side and double/triple gang install issues is a little worrisome.

Does anyone have more than 10 installed with HA with no issue? And if so, what Thread Boarder Router do you use?

I’ve yet to see any detail anywhere on TBR’s and how everything is supposed to “mesh”.