White Switches becoming unavailable in Home Assistant

Over the last few days my Inovelli switches continue to show as unavailable. They become available briefly but then they become unavailable again. I’m running Home Assistant

Core 2025.1.1
Supervisor 2024.12.3
Operating System 14.1
Frontend 20250106.0

Is it possible that my 2.4ghz WIFI is interfering with my Thread Border Router? The Border Router runs on channel 14 and my 2.4ghz is running on channel 1.

Also when I ping the device I get IPV4 and IPV6 but another address that doesn’t ping
Screenshot 2025-01-09 103533

What information can I provide to get this rectified? Thanks

I am currently using an Aqara M3 as the the Thread Border Router. Is it possible that this is the problem. I’m wondering if I add an additional Thread Border router if it will fix the problem? It is so weird some of the switches connect but 70% of them don’t

I don’t have firsthand experience with this, but I think several people resolved this issue by updating the firmware to 1.0.5. Have you tried that?

Yes I updated but the problem appears to be tied to the 2.4Ghz channel I was using so I changed it in my router and it appears to have fixed things. I mean for the last 4 or 5 days things are good

Can you elaborate on this? I have Google Nest Wifi Pro as my router and I’m not even sure if this is something I have control over.

Control over what specifically?

“Yes I updated but the problem appears to be tied to the 2.4Ghz channel I was using so I changed it in my router and it appears to have fixed things.”

This. Any additional information about changing/updating 2.4Ghz channel in your router? I’m not familiar with exactly what the word channel means in this context, such that it’s hard to know if my router even supports doing what you did.

The reason I’m asking is due to this attached chain. It seems to be a pattern lately of people having intermittent “unavailable” connectivity issues with the white series, such that their only apparent resolution is to pull the air gap.

Brian sorry for the Delay but the biggest issue for me was making sure my Router channels weren’t causing interferrence. Once I got that sorted out my switches have all worked pretty flawlessly