Zigbee Fan Canopy Module | Project Cheryl

The diagrams on that page for 3 way installation are for Dumb switches. The bottom of that page includes the instructions for smart switches. As seen in the screen cap below, the text refers to diagrams below that are clearly not there.

And the link to the Hubitat setup you provided is for the Blue Series Fan Switch, not for the Blue Series Fan Canopy Module. The link I was referring to (https://inov.li/vzm36HE?syclid=cmq0g28klmts73em1rb0) was provided in the e-mail I recieved from Inovelli after I purchased the Fan Canopy Module.

Eric would have to confirm, but I don’t think there is a specific canopy module Hubitat setup document, at least there isn’t one on https://help.inovelli.com. So that link may just have been pointing to the canopy manual. That’s just supposition, though.

I just tried all the hub specific links provided in the e-mail and none of them work. The link for the manual and wiring diagram do. Here is a screen cap of the applicable section of the e-mail.

I will admit, I was surprised to get the e-mail this much before the release date (especially since the e-mail is written as if I had already received the product and not just waiting on a pre-order). Could be that I wasn’t supposed to have received this e-mail yet and those pages will be ready once the module is released.

@Eric_Inovelli I’m really glad to hear these are on the way! I’ve been looking forward to finally replacing my Hampton Bay/KoF canopy modules with these!

However, I have a dilemma. Currently, both ceiling fans in my family room are on the same circuit. With the HB’s, I have one module in each canopy and a dumb switch that is always on. This works, but limits me to controlling through hubitat or the remotes for the HBs.

Clearly those remotes are going the way of the dodo when I install these new Canopy modules. So…is it possible to bind a 2in1 switch to both canopy modules simultaneously and control both as 1 fan?

I suspect I can do this in a no-load configuration…orprogramatically in Hubitat but it would be elegant if I could bind them as a matched set!


You may be able to do this as a group binding.


Thanks. I clearly need to read up on Zigbee binding!


P.s. your suggestion led me to this:


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And for those using Home Assistant, there are a couple videos up as well:

Hopefully, the interface hasn’t changed too much since then. :laughing:

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I’m excited to try out this configuration and it should (hopefully) work great. Like @harjms mentioned, the best thing to use is going to be group binding. We may need to make some adjustments on the Hubitat driver to more easily be able to set this up.

You will pass through the power to the modules by either just connecting the line and load with a wire nut, or you can put both wires into the “line” screw on the switch. I believe this is shown in the wiring diagram on the support site. Do you only have one switch location in your gang box for both fans?


Yes, unfortunately only 1 switch, and the fans are daisy chained, so only the 1 hot and 1 load.

Can’t wait to try this, as one of the HBs is offline, and resetting them is a royal PITA! :slight_smile:


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This is super embarrassing – I set these up in preparation for when they arrived, but I’m scratching my head as to figure out why you got this bc my automations look correct in Shopify. Question for you – did you have an order where you had a partial delivery (ie: you ordered a product that is in stock + the canopy module that is on pre-order)?

I’m wondering if maybe the automation saw the item that was in stock was delivered and just sent you both emails. I have emails set up for each product.

Edit: I just did some stalking and it appears that yes, that is the case with your order. I’ll have to go back to the drawing board on these automations… I’m surprised this hasn’t come up before – thanks for letting me know!


I did, and also got the premature message.

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If you still want a “remote” you can look into the now discontinued Lutron Connected Bulb remotes which can be bound to the fan or lightm or other zigbee remotes. There are other battery powered zigbee buttons too.

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I thought it may have gone out early since it said I had already received the module. The switches I ordered are sitting on my desk waiting for the module to arrive. Looking forward to getting it all installed and seeing what it can do.

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Good idea. To be fair the HB remotes are never used… but I might use your idea and simply emulate a remote with a multibutton device…


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Project Update:

Modules are enroute to the US and here are the estimated dates from the manufacturer/freight forwarder.

Estimated Arrival at Port = 2/22
Estimated Arrival at Inovelli HQ = 3/5 (my birthday!)

The manufacturer will be out of office from 2/7 to 2/18 for Chinese New Year, so I won’t be able to track this one as closely as I’d like, but I’d say those dates are pretty conservative based on what we’ve seen in the past.

Those of you that will be using this with the Blue Series 2-1 switch, we will be releasing FW V2.17 that I highly recommend updating to as it has dual bindings which can be used with the canopy. If you can’t update, we’re happy to do it for you here at HQ, but worst case, you’ll be able to bind the paddle to either the fan’s motor or fan’s light and then use scene control for the config button.

It’s been a pleasure working on this one and I’m excited to hear how everyone likes it!


You’ll have to explain that to the plebs like me… I thought that was how it would work already, paddle for light or fan, and config button to cycle the other.

Yeah certainly lol.

Initially we were launching this product along with the 2-1 with the following user experience:

  • Install the Canopy Module in the fan and you’ll have remote control of both the fan and light from your app and/or voice control like any normal smart switch
  • Then you could install a 2-1 Switch on the wall (if you wanted wall control) and use that switch as a remote to control the canopy module
  • The current firmware on the Blue Series 2-1 Switch only supports one endpoint for Zigbee Bindings, so we recommended using the Blue Series 2-1 paddle to control either the light portion of the canopy module or the fan portion (I’ve found that it’s better to control the light) and then use the configuration button to control the fan speed (or lights).
  • Since the current firmware on the Blue 2-1 only supports one endpoint of Zigbee Binding, you would use multi-tap scene control for your configuration button (ie: tap 1x = turns on/off the fan, tap 2x = turns fan on low, tap 3x = turns fan on medium, tap 4x = turns fan on high)

However, we wanted the Blue Series 2-1 to have multiple Zigbee Binding endpoints so that if your hub ever went offline, your Zigbee bindings would still work (multi-tap scene control wouldn’t work as it goes through the hub to process), so we had the manufacturer work on the firmware to allow this.

So now, instead of using multi-tap scene control, you will bind a separate endpoint using the configuration button (ie: you’d have one endpoint control the lights via the paddle, and a separate endpoint controlling the fan via the config button).

There are two options to control the fan via the config button:

  • Option #1 = Similar to multi-tap scene control in that you’ll tap 1x to turn on the fan, 2x to turn it to low, 3x to turn it to medium, 4x to turn it to high
  • Option #2 = Cycle through the speeds in that if you tap it 1x, the fan turns on, tap it 1x again, it goes to low, tap it 1x again it goes to medium, tap it 1x again it goes to high, tap it 1x it turns off

Here’s a YT video of me testing it Option #2:


Just to be clear, this project is for the fan canopy module only. It doesn’t come with an accompanying switch. As Eric explained, you can control the module in a number of ways. Whatever switch you mate it with will need to be programmed to do the requisite actions on the module.

Just bringing this up because you stated you thought that is “how it would work that way already”. It doesn’t ship with a pre-programmed switch. You add your own and program it accordingly.


Hmmmm…I’ll probably have to stick with scene control then, so I can have it cycle off–>high–>medium–>low–>off, as that is the cycle I - and my dad! - are used to with the pull cord. The lower the learning curve, the better :smile:

So you would want it to perform like this:

  • Tap 1x = On
  • Tap 1x again = Low
  • Tap 1x again = Medium
  • Tap 1x again = High
  • Tap 1x again = Medium
  • Tap 1x again = Low
  • Tap 1x again = Off