Hi all - hoping for some suggestions. I just installed 6 new blue series switches. On 3 of them the lights keep turning on at 39% (all three at exactly 39%). 2 of those are installed as 3-way with a dumb switch and one is a single pole. All three have neutral wires. I have changed default local and remote settings to 100 and even tried changing back to 101 to use last setting but no matter what i put in for the default setting they turn on to 39%. Any ideas?
Okay I was able to mimic on my pre production unit. I have been using on/off mode for entire time. I tried dimming mode the other day and had same issue. Reverted back to on/off mode. Just tried it now. Same results.
How I fixed it. (Hubitat)
Changed to dimmer mode-> save preferences. I then went through all parameters as not all we’re defined. Changed min and max as well to default. Saved preferences. Then I used the Config All option and wait led for it to finish.
I then turned the light off and back on. At that point at got full brightness on my LEDs.
I tried to “trick” it by setting default levels to 39% and. . . The lights turned on at 15% instead. Ironically, that’s roughly 39% of the level I set it at.
Double tap up does take the lights to 100%, so it’s just the default on/off that isn’t working right. Based on reduction of 39% to 15% seems there may be a firmware issue???
Have you tried setting to a different value then back to 100 (or 99, I forget) in the settings menu? Remember that one tracks the other as well if set at like 101 (I think?). It’s been a minute, sorry!
This kind of feels like an issue on SmartThing’s side. It’s probably writing 100 to the switch, but according to the parameter list, the switch is expecting a value of 0-255 (0 = off, 1-254 = level to turn on to, 255 = return to prior state).
Does ST permit you to write a value > 100 to parameters #13 and #14?
100/255 ~= 39.6%, so that might explain where that number is coming from.