I thought it might be the execution time of the automation so I changed the mode to queued but that didn’t fix it. I also did a simple test to increment a counter and only the first press of the series triggered.
I noticed that the actions for this switch are up_single, up_double, up_triple, etc… and up_held, and up_release. There is no up_press to my knowledge. up_release is only triggered after the button has been held. So my theory is that after the button has been pressed once, it still waits for another button press to trigger up_double but since the switch delay parameter is set to 0ms there will never be an up_double action so it times out.
I just found out that the config button’s delay is not configurable. It’s always set at 500ms. Why are there not up_press, down_press, and config_press actions.
I think from the HA perspective, a press event would overlap with either a click or held event. While I get the logic of wanting the more immediate response when you press the button, how long are you pressing that it would be a noticeable difference?
The first button press on release is immediate because of having parameter 50 set to 0ms. But every subsequent press after the first still has about a 500ms delay. And it seems that parameter 50 doesn’t change the config button on the switch, only up and down. Having events sent on release doesn’t bother me too much but it’s the delay after each button press even though paramter 50 is set to 0ms.
My automation is turn on a light with the first press and then add 10 minutes to a timer in HA for every subsequent press. So I press the button quite quickly but I don’t want to use Inovelli’s multi tap functionality. I’d like to have more flexibility.
Got it, that makes sense. I think in this case you might actually have more flexibility with the multi tap option? Unless you’re clicking more than 5 times?
That’s fair re the Hue device. Any idea how long of a delay it has between presses for comparison? I would expect that it has to have some kind of delay in order to determine press/hold/multiple, etc but I don’t have one to compare.
The Hue remote sends a press event for every press. A hold event after about 150ms, and a hold release event on release. It also sends a release event on release if the button is not held. Notice that release and hold release are different events.
Edit: There is also no delay for new events to be sent after either release or hold release
It would be amazing if Inovelli switches operated just like this.