Replaceable paddles

Does the “production in August” line up with the stuff that is slatted for 08/30 ETA in the Out of Stock ETA thread, or is this a different run?

Any word on Light Almond? As part of our kitchen remodel, we’re installing tile backsplash and just went through color matching… and my wife decided Light Almond is the color we need.

I was recently querying for what switches to use, and I’ve decided to go with the Red - as I mentioned in the Hubitat forum:

We just got word today that demolition starts the end of the month, and I play to order switches this weekend… I hope the backorder on the Reds really does let me get them before October!

Can anyone else second this opinion? Whereas I need Light Almond for the new kitchen, the rest of the house is Ivory and my wife doesn’t want to change it, but I’m about ready to replace all my old GE/Jasco 12724 dimmers.

Our Almond matches this color:

We have them the Claro plates to emulate.

Whereas light almond will be this color: Lutron Claro 1 Gang Decorator/Rocker Wallplate, Gloss, Light Almond (1-Pack) | CW-1-LA - Lutron Single Wall Plate Light Almond -

As for timeline, we’ve been asking for these for a long time - I’m hoping they will be delivered here in Sept

Time to tag my man @JasonL_Inovelli - Jason, I told you people are hungry for light almond buddy!! Let’s get them over here :blush:

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Hey @JasonL_Inovelli How does the underside of that bus look, lol? :trolleybus: :trolleybus: :trolleybus:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Hey @Bry, the bus changed to :racing_car: Haha :nerd_face: :nerd_face: :nerd_face: the light almond paddle already finished production in Sept 5th. Thanks


You better watch what you promise in here. lol. Guess we should have them in a week or two guys.

We promise not to hold you to everything you say :wink:

Which color matches the gen1 almond color? Light almond?

Yeah, the Light Almond color would better match the Gen 1’s. We told them to match the Lutron Claro faceplate and I just put the Gen 1 almond into the Lutron Claro Light Almond faceplate and it’s a very close match. I couldn’t tell the difference, but a couple of the others could see a slight difference if they looked very closely.

And it is all too easy to crack one of the little retaining tabs on the side when changing them. Once they’re in, they seem pretty solid, though.

Hurrah! I see the Light Almond paddle is now for sale. I think that means I’ll get permission from the Mrs. to order.

Any chance of an Ivory paddle? (LA is for the kitchen, but the rest of the house is still Ivory and she wants them to match).

No plans for Ivory, sorry. :disappointed:

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Definitely :frowning:

Ivory, Light Almond, Almond…


I only need Light Almond (new kitchen) and Ivory. I don’t want Almond… but that’s all you offer.

I bought a Claro faceplate in Almond to see how it will look. I think I can get away with using Almond in the few places where I will put Red Dimmers outside of my kitchen, because I’ll be swapping all the 2 or 3 switches in there.

Trust me, I don’t particularly want to worry about color, but dealing with colors in this project (cabinets, appliances, floor tile, backspace tile, etc.) has been a large part of this project for the others involved.

At this point my order for a 10 pk of Red Dimmers is waiting in my cart, while I finish negotiations with the Mrs. as to if we need 3 or 4 Light Almond paddles (and thus 7 or 6 Almond paddles).

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The Mrs. suggested I just order an extra of each color. She’s smart like that. Done!

My thought exactly.
Personally I never saw the appeal of off-white switches. Seemed like a throwback to the 70s when everything was some shade of brown.

That said- I’d be interested in maybe some labelled paddles. This could be an extra business for Inovelli- lease a cheap laser cutter and sell paddles with custom text (Light, Fan, Heat, etc)

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This. Though a big-ish fan symbol (or heat, or whatever) on the paddle would be awesome too. I’ve been using color for this purpose: white paddles for most things, but almond paddles for (indoor) switches that control outdoor lights, and gray paddles for switches controlling exhaust fans. In this case, the color is meant to stand out.

For ceiling fans, I’ll eventually pick another color, but for now I use the HomeSeer ones (couldn’t wait for Project Windy City) and their LED indicators are on the wrong side, so they’re already visually distinct. (Hope Windy City comes out next year. The HomeSeers are good quality switches, don’t get me wrong, but Inovellis are good quality AND look better.

Even better, if I could order custom text with the symbol “:lightbulb: Front Hall Lights” on the paddle, I’d pay for that. I already do this with label-maker tape on the faceplate, but a professional-looking labeled paddle would be so much better! Maybe I should start a new “wishlist” thread.

Being in a similar situation, I can confirm, having just bought Almond and Light Almond paddles in hopes the Almond would be a close enough match to existing Ivory (Leviton builder grade face plates).

I thought I had a few GE Ivory, but it’s been so long I looked it up and according to Amazon’s current description what I have in some places is their Light Almond paddles. It’s never been a match to the plates, but it’s been okay-ish that we’ve rolled with it. I imagine actual GE Ivory would be a closer match.

Anyways, the Inovelli Almond does not match Leviton’s Ivory. It’s a spot on match to Lutron as linked by Eric above. I actually feel the GE Light Almond is more passable in the Lutron Ivory than the Inovelli Almond will be…which will sadly slow my adoption as I have a lot more dumb switches that will have to be replaced in order to add a Light Almond smart switch to a box or room (we’re eventually moving to Light Almond).